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  1. SP_NR


    Your GUID : Nickname when you were banned : Admin who banned you : Why you were banned : Why you think this ban should be lifted : http://i68.tinypic.com/9iu39f.jpg First: if i was interested to be un-banned, i would have wrote my guid and other things. I don't care to be un-banned. Second: there was and idiot (and i write it again: IDIOT becouse a player that has that behaviour is an I D I O T) that passed THREE games killing me with clays and nades with teamswitching. But i bet that to ruin a game to an other player is much better than to say that that player is an I D I O T. And not o
  2. SP_NR


    Your GUID : Nickname when you were banned : Admin who banned you : Why you were banned : Why you think this ban should be lifted : Hey... WAT?? Hi, I don't know my GUID and i don't want to look for it. I just wanted to know WHY i have a PERMANENT ban when yesterday i had a 1 day ban. Some minutes ago i went on a nN server to check when was the end of my ban as i didn't remember it, and i saw it was... NEVER. WHAT? WHY?? Ok, yesterday i argued with someone of you (?) on a nN server (Crossfire?), but i was quite mad furious for his behaviour with me and not with the one that made me really
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