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Nickname(s) In-game :DRUNK_AF , KFC_DOMINUS

Real name (optional) :DIMITRIS

Age :23

Location (country) :GREECE

Steam/Skype/Raptr :


Games that you play on :COD 4

Which nN| server(s) are you playing on ? :uhmm actually everything, zombies , backlot ,killhouse hc mode and others

GUID or STEAM_ID :dont have one

How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? :about 3 hours per day


Why do you want to join us ? :i want to be a part of your community because i like your servers and your games. i would also like to join because i can help the smooth running of the game.

Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? : my personal talent is that i  have free time and i can ban toxic players or hackers that bring bad experience to our players

Have you been in another clan before ? Which one(s)? :no i havent

Adittional info :im dimitris im 23 yo and i like the servers. also love to protect the players from cheaters.<3

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How can you not have GUID?


GUID is : "In general, GUID is an acronym that stands for �globally unique identifier�. The guid inside PunkBuster is used to identify players with something more solid than their playing name or IP address. Your guid is loosely based on the cdkey that was used to install the game on your computer. When Server Admins kick or ban a player from their server(s), PunkBuster uses the player's guid to enforce the kick/ban. Since it is based on the game installation, it is a better way to identify individual players than by looking at their IP address or playing name. For those concerned about privacy, PunkBuster uses a 128-bit one-way hash (a mathematical function) to generate the guid from the cdkey so that no one can figure out or compute your cdkey by knowing your guid."



You can find your GUID:


shift + console button

then /pb_myguid

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Welcome into the team. You can put the nN| tag in front of your nickname.
Play fair, be active on our forum and servers.
Before continuing, you should read this post :
and our current Servers's Rules : http://noname.zone/i...serverss-rules/
+ our current structure : http://noname.zone/i...ructure-duties/


This topic will help you to navigate on the forum http://noname.zone/i...ers-navigation/
For your information, you are a rookie member during one month and your tutor is @Finny
During this period, your tutor will show you all what you need to know about our community, and will check all your actions.
Your acceptation will be final after this test period under the responsibility of your tutor.
If you have any questions, the leading staff will be proud to answer you.
Best Regards



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Well I guess we have to congrats you, so congrats lad and welcome to the nN family.


Stay active and stick to the rules ^^






"The Art of war is simple enough.

Find out where your enemy is.

Get at him as soon as you can.

Strike him as hard as you can,

and keep moving on."

Ulysses S. Grant

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